I spend a fair amount of time each day trying to figure out what to wear. I’m embarrassed to admit there are days I’ll change clothes at least 2-3 times to finally get to an outfit that feels “right”. And then at the end of the day, my perfect outfit is discarded and forgotten (pretty sure my skinny jeans, cute fall sweater, and booties won’t be making it into the annals of history).
We spend so much time worrying about our external appearance (which doesn’t even last!). How does this compare with the time and energy expended when we dress our minds and spirits each morning?
Romans 13:14 tells us, “Instead, clothe yourself with the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. And don’t let yourself think about ways to indulge your evil desires.”
What would it look like for us to clothe ourselves with the presence of Jesus? Would it result in hearts weighed down by worry, short tempers, and impatient outbursts? Or would it result in hearts soaring on the wings of peace and gracious responses to the frustrating and frightening circumstances we encounter?
I want to clothe myself each morning in the knowledge that Jesus is nearby. I want to blissfully don the soft garments of God’s grace and mercy as I prepare to face whatever my day may bring.
What does it profit me to indulge thoughts from the evil one? How does it help me to stoke the fires of fear and anger in my heart rather than stoking the fires of God’s praise?
It doesn’t.
Oddly enough, all the attention I’ve given over the years to my “fear robe” hasn’t made it look any nicer.
Usually, the more attention you give to something the better it becomes and the more it benefits you. Gardens thrive under constant attention and provide abundant produce. Cars provide years of service with regular maintenance.
But fear is the opposite. The more I’ve groomed it, the uglier it has become. The more I’ve fed it, the more it has fed on me, eating away at me until it’s grown enormous and I’ve been left as barely a shell.
Stoking thoughts of fear and anger will cause more of the same to flare up in my heart, until it begins to consume my inner and outer person and I finally crumple under the weight.
Stoking thoughts of God’s perfect mercies and love, on the other hand, will cause grace and courage to blossom in my heart, until it begins to consume my inner and outer person and I rise up with renewed peace in my spirit and strength in my mind and body.
So which will it be? What will I choose to put on? Will it be the raggedy old robe of fruitless thinking made ugly by years of overuse? Or will it be the shining new robe of strength and love made beautiful each day by the loving hands of God?
P.S. – I pray you have found some form of blessing on these pages. If you have and would like to share ways you’ve been able to personally apply truths to your life, or if there’s anything you’d like to see discussed, let me know either through a comment below or via the Contact page! I’d love to hear from you!